IJ designlab | Sudo Electric Technical High School School Museum
100th anniversary, impressionism, western, art, painting, school museum, curation, exhibition, design
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School Museum

We had planned and designed an exhibition, ‘the school art museum’, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Sudo Electric Technical High School and to cheer up to the students who are going through current pandamic era.

We had curated the paintings of the famous artists, Edgar Degas, René Magritte, Vincent van Gogh, Jacques-Joseph Tissot, Henri Matisse, under the theme, ‘The Msister of Light’.

Also, it was designed to the knowledge of the comparison of western art and korean electrical history, and to inspire the students by artist quotes.


수도전기공업고등학교 학교미술관

수도전기공업고등학교의 100주년을 기념하여 학교미술관의 전시 디자인 및 전시 기획을 하였습니다.

‘빛의 마이스터’를 주제로 대한민국 전기 역사와 함께하고 있는 수도전기공업고등학교의 100년 역사와 사명을 수도블루를 사용하여 아이덴티티를 표현 하였으며 서양의 인상주의 작품의 역사와 작가들의 시대상을 넣어 학생들에게 배움의 장이 될 수 있도록 기획하였습니다.




Sudo Electric Technical High School


Art, Brand, BTL, copywriting, Creative, Design

100th anniversary, art, curation, design, Exhibition, impressionism, painting, school museum, western