IJ designlab | Editorial design in Korean
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Editorial design in Korean

When I was in charge of Marketing communication specialist, I took care of Korean product and solution catalogs, brochures, manuals and leaflets more than 100 ea for Schneider Electric, Samwha EOCR, Clipsal, TAC and Merten from artdirection to proof reading of translation.

In 2009, the customer satisfaction rate was extremely improved from 18% to 28% in the catalog part of Marketing activity in Schneider Electric Korea.



한국의 슈나이더일렉트릭, 삼화 이오씨알, 크립살, 머튼, TAC 브랜드 아이덴티티에 따른 100종 이상의 인쇄물 제작을 위한 번역 감수, 프로덕션 디자인 아트디렉션 및 프로젝트 매니지먼트를 진행하였고 2009년 슈나이더일렉트릭코리아의 카탈로그 부문 고객만족도 지수의 급격한 증가(18%—>28%)를 달성하였습니다.


Schneider Electric Korea, Samwha EOCR, TAC, Clipsal and Merten



production item

Product and solution catalogs, brochures and manuals in Korean


Business, Design, Marketing