IJ designlab | Cafe Story branding
bbq, pet friendly cafe, logo, branding, BI, VMD, design, Photozone, Interior, signage
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BBQ Park branding

We had designed brand identity and visual merchandising design of BBQ park of Cafe story powered by Weber, the famous bbq equipment company.

Only for one customer can make a reservation for a day. People can feel free at the big camping site and enjoy the nature with friends or family in private. 

So, we put this image through the logo and other mechanizing design stuffs like a light box, wooden boxes, and signages.


 카페스토리 BBQ PARK powered by Weber

남양주 “카페스토리”와 웨버 그릴이 콜라보레이션하여 새롭게 오픈한 BBQ PARK 로고 및 디스플레이용 라이트박스 디자인을 하였습니다. 

카페의 넓은 개방감 어울리는 바베큐파크를 직관적으로 표현하여 로고 디자인을 하였으며 캠핑장의 느낌과 함께 포토존이 될 수 있도록 모던한 느낌의 라이트 박스를 디자인 및 제작 하였습니다.


Cafe Story




Agency, Billboard, BTL, Collaboration, Design, Event, Logo, Nature

bbq, BI, branding, design, Interior, logo, pet friendly cafe, Photozone, signage, VMD