IJ designlab | Young Artists Exhibition : The colors of the heart
young-artist, disabled, art, exhibition, identity, design, brochure, webdesign, caption, hall planning, banner
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The colors of the heart: Young Artists Exhibition

We had designed an annual art exhibition by young talented artists of disabled of The International Association of Culture Exchange for Disabled with the theme, ‘The Colors of the Heart’. We had produced an yellow typography poster to show the light, exhibition hall planning, a brochure, web invitation, banners, caption, etc.


국제장애인문화교류협회 청년작가전 전시디자인

매년 열리는 장애인 청년 작가들의 회화, 도예 등의 전시회로 ‘마음으로 그린 빛깔’을 주제로 옐로우 컬러로 빛을 표현하였고 이벤트 아이덴티티에 맞춰 포스터, 배너, 전시 도록, 웹초대장, 전시장 디자인, 캡션 등을 제작하였습니다.  


The International Association of Culture Exchange for Disabled 




Agency, Art, Brand, BTL, Collaboration, copywriting, Creative, Design, Event, public, web

art, banner, brochure, caption, design, disabled, Exhibition, hall planning, identity, webdesign, young-artist