IJ designlab | Interview: Sparkling design for your powerful branding
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Interview: Sparkling design for your powerful branding

The interview article was released on Issue Maker, the montly magazine, in May 2017 for the special subject ‘Hidden Champion’ with In Jung Yoon, Founder and Creative Director of IJ designlab.

It was about our company pro le, the reason why the editor of Issue Maker selected IJ designlab for the interview, current projects, company’s future direction, IJ’s previous work personally and so on.


‘Sparkling design’으로 완성되는 품격있는 브랜드 

월간 이슈메이커 잡지의 히든 챔피언이라는 기획 기사에 저희 IJ designlab의 크리에이티브 디렉터인 윤인정 CD님의 회사 소개와 그동안의 커리어, IJ designlab의 진행된 프로젝트, 앞으로의 방향성 등에 대한 인터뷰가 2017년 5월에 게재 되었습니다.


May 2017


Monthly Issue Maker magazine


Agency, Creative, Design, PR