IJ designlab | Safety Street Light event identity design
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Safety Street Light event identity design

The safety street light campaign is the one of the community outreach programs by an installation of LED streetlights in the dark alley of locals for people’s safety.

For the safety street light event, IJ designlab was designed the event items such as an invitation card, a brochure, event banners, a photo zone booth, event shoulder straps and a gift sticker.

We wanted to deliver a simple message about the purpose of the safety street light project via the invitation card, which is ‘before and after’ the safety street light project.

Outside the invitation card is expressed to the darkness of the street, but inside page of the invitation card is maximized the feeling of warm and safe street lamps through the decalcomanie of yellow lights.

And we used the same concept of the other event items and got a great response from the event sponsors.


안심가로등 아빠등 가평군 이벤트 디자인

안심가로등 아빠등 캠페인은 지방을 비롯한 외진 길목에 LED 가로등을 설치하여 지역 주민들이 안심하고 다닐 수 있도록 하는 지역사회 상생 프로젝트입니다.

어두운 회색의 초대장 표지에 노란색 초대 띠지로 심플하지만 초대받는 느낌을 주고자 하였고 초대장 내부는 안심가로등의 밝은 노란 빛을 데칼코마니 형태로 표현하여 따뜻하고 안전한 안심가로등의 느낌을 극대화하고자 디자인하였습니다.

그리고 안심가로등 행사때 초대장과 리플렛, 각종 안내 배너, 어깨띠 등, 안심가로등 아빠등 캠페인과 아이덴티티를 동일하게 유지하였고 주최사로부터 좋은 반응을 얻었습니다.


Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., Miral Welfare Foundation, Community Chest of korea, Gapyung-gun / 한국수력원자력(주), 밀알복지재단, 사랑의열매, 가평군




Agency, Brand, Creative, Design, Event, Marketing