IJ designlab | Power & Control Symposium
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Power & Control Symposium

‘Power & Control Symposium’, the customer’s big event in Korea, was held on twice a year with all entities of Schneider Electric Korea in Seoul and Busan. I was assigned to the event coordination and the art direction for the localization of event identity.


전력 및 제어 심포지엄

1년에 2번씩 서울과 부산에서 열린 슈나이더 일렉트릭 코리아의 대고객 이벤트인 ‘전력 및 제어 심포지엄’의 이벤트 코디네이션 및 글로벌 아이덴티티에 맞는 현지화 된 이벤트 디자인 아트디렉션을 진행하였습니다.

Production Item

Seminar book, invitation card, thanks card, note pad, exhibition booths, agenda board, banners, brochures, customer’s gift.


2006, 2007


Schneider Electric Korea


Business, Creative, Design, Event, Marketing